Hear from people who had different experiences of Energy and life.We are Energy. Developing, strengthening and understanding that might be the most meaningful thing we can do. We talk to Remote Viewers, Astrologists, Herbalists, Chinese Doctors, Psychics, experts in the field and anyone who has a story to share. Energy work can be simple.

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Rob Brinded - Becoming Masterless - featuring a tribute to Kam Yuen
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
International top performance coach, author and experienced Energy Worker Rob Brinded, explains his concepts of Hamster wheels of the mind and the Binary Brain. Rob has some great ideas and stories. He also shares some of his anecdotes of Kam Yuen who passed recently. He shares the good, the great and the little disappointing about Kam. Just a heads up; and no disrespect intended I'm sure.
Links to Rob:
Instagram: robbrinded

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Yadi Alamin - Dying at 24 to Acupuncture without Needles!
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Yadi was dying at 24. He had a mysterious illness. Multiple visits to the ER led him to believe he had no hope. This is where a powerful story starts. He shares it with you here. Yadi is so charming. He has a modesty coupled with directness that is wining. I think you will hear that in our very natural chat. here's his links and a link to his very worthwhile book:
#acupuncture #qigong #nohope

Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Dr Lisa Thompson - Aliens are People too
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
I wanted to get out of my reality tunnel. Talk to people who have had different experiences. Dr Linda Thompson is all that! Fascinating experiences and personal journey to accept her reality. If you want to hear a very educated and lovely lady talk about aliens, abductions and more, please enjoy.
#aliens #lindathompson #alienhybrid

Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Ben Sanchez Part 2 - Renaisance Man of TaiJi and TaiJi Therapy
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Really feeling inspired by the last convo with Ben, I was really excited to get to talk to him again. He explains his innovative method of correcting spine problems using the martial energies of TaiJi. #taijiquan #taijibonesetting #taiji #Dao

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Jana Rogge - Remote Viewing, Archery, Energy and Healing
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Jana is super well qualified to talk about so many things! It was a great pleasure talking with her about how our of the blue she found she could heal. She has a lovely down to earth feel for her and a willingness to support the community of remote viewers. She is the editor of Aperture the magazine for IRVA - the International Remote Viewing Association. She also has the German representative for the IRVA. That's not all. She does a lot more including the art of Bow making. She is a Bowyer. Connect with Jana: https://psi.vision/en/

Friday Jun 02, 2023
David Powell - Remote Viewing Timetunnels and The Hitchhiker Effect
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Such a pleasure talking to Dave. He is an operational Remote Viewer. He is an open book about his targets and experiences. He talks about how he got into remote viewing and the sometimes weird and wonderful targets he's viewed.

Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Jan's taichi - 3xGold Medalist in TaiJi Pushing hands World Championship Jan talks a lot about his approach to TaiJi. Not so much about his personal energy work but we do get around to it briefly. Jan is so full of energy and creativity! It was so interesting talking with him. Jan is a TaiJiQuan rennaisance man. We talk about Quantum computing, his Psychic Grandmothers. We even talk about TaiJi Bone setting. His expereince with having his bones being realigned with an energy work teacher. (see: https://www.tingjinhealing.com/?locale=en )
There's so much to talk about here and I think we only just touched the surface.
Link to @JansTaiChi
#taijila #coachjan #renaissancetaiji #tuishouchamp #discoverenergywork #TaiChi #Taiji #TaiChiChuan #Taijiquan #form #Tuishou #pushHands #neikung #neigong #chikung #chigong #qi #qigong #wellness #martialarts #healing #yoga #meditation #longevity #health #breathwork #visualization #vinyasa #sadhana #bjj #kungfu #bagua #baguazhang #bakua #xinyi

Friday May 19, 2023
S4e01Ninja TaiJi Master and award winning author Robert Chuckrow
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Robert is just so enagaging, enthusiastic and knowledgeable. He bring a PhD in experimental Physics and training with an array of brilliant masters. We had great chemistry and I could have gone on talking to Robert for hours.

Friday Nov 19, 2021
S03E26 Kacy Kreger Inner Voice of a Speech Therapist
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Kacey connected with her inner ability to communicate on different levels, shares entertaining and moving stories of her development.

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
S03E25 Jo Happiness-Howarth - The Happy Hypnotist
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Jo tells a story which we can all very much relate to, overcoming difficulties and mental health issues, from abuse and anxiety, through connecting with her inner self through hypnosis. Then as she developed the desire for a happiness club, a group of people who would work on being consciously happy. This has developed further to be a platform for people to get help support and coaching. It is truly a story of transformation from base metal into Gold.